I was born on the island of Malta but spent more than half of my life abroad: first in Peru as a missionary priest and then in England, where I eventually settled after resigning from the Church. During my 22 years in England I worked as a probation officer, social worker and was then appointed as chief executive of a charity caring for people with learning disabilities in Sussex. I returned back home to Malta in 1999.
Since childhood I was always fascinated by our prehistoric culture. During my long years abroad I slowly started to become more aware, and more appreciative, of the history of my culture and the wealth of heritage found on the small islands. Throughout these years, I realised that not many people knew about the temples of Malta. Everyone knows of the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Newgrange, Nasca and Machu Picchu but they draw a blank when it comes to Malta’s temples; and yet these temples are far older than those well known sites. On my return to Malta, in the year 2000, I had a strong urge to find a way to promote the unique wealth of the Maltese prehistoric culture.
The word ‘mystic’ refers to something/somebody being spiritual, supernatural, magical and numinous. We generally allude to these sites as temples, but I think we should endeavour to find another word for these unique structures as they were not built for religious rituals. These structures were much more than that. While doing my research for my book I found myself challenged to think about the temples in a very different way. Now I am asking readers to challenge the boundaries of their beliefs.
Sophia is the Greek transliteration for the word Wisdom - the personification of the divine feminine, through whom all of creation is born ... and in her, all of creation is renewed. Sophia is the breath and spirit of God and the feminine image of the eternal Holy Source. So when one speaks about Sophia or the Goddess, one is not talking about Gender; it is about Energy or Consciousness. The Mother Goddess is the feminine principle and the Father God is the masculine. It is the higher wisdom of the Divine – the Sophia. These masculine and feminine energies are meant to be one. Sophia, the divine energy of the Goddess, is rooted in the land of Malta. Malta is an experience of the Goddess. The old prehistoric heritage sites, the new Christian era buildings, the landscape and the whole natural environment of the Maltese islands aspire to the maternal expression. This small islands in the Mediterranean Sea bridge the prehistoric past of the temple builders with that of the new dispensation of the Christian era.
These last few years I have noticed that many people have started to visit Malta for a particular purpose: to connect with the mystical aspect of the temples and to have a spiritual experience of the sites. These are people who have seen and visited all the other sacred sites around the world and finally realise that there are these forgotten, older, sites here on Malta. I escort people who are willing to have this spiritual experience. I have seen that many important people in the spiritual world are now coming here to connect with these sites before 2012 arrives. The experiences lived are quite amazing, and these will eventually come out in one of my books in the near future.
This question, for me, is very difficult because these prehistoric temples have to be taken in a wholistic way. I see them as energy centres so all have the same energy. Of course there are sites that have something special: like Mnajdra, Hagar Qim, the Hypogeum and Ggantija. But I also like to experience the smaller sites like Skorba, Tal-Qadi, Xemxija, Bugibba and Ta’ Cenc sites. The energies at some of these sites are very strong while in others they are very gentle yet powerful.
As I just mentioned in my previous answer the temples have to be seen as energy centres. They are in reality ‘a miniaturized hologram of the cosmos.’ They were ‘heart centres’ of Light and Life. The Temples were built to interact with the vital atomic energy of the Central Sun, in order to draw Cosmic Ray Consciousness and Star-Light Energies on Earth. Because of their unique purpose the temples are a Reservoir of Consciousness, so we need to start to look at the structures in a very different way. They were ‘charge compressors’, ‘energy generators’ and ‘power houses.’ In a word, they were ‘energy centres’ for planet Earth.
My first self-published book, Islands of Dream, is a novelogue that delves into the magic and secrets of the Maltese prehistoric sites. It recounts the meeting of a local couple with a foreigner in a series of fictitious dialogues and exchange of views about the temples. Although these views about the temples are expressed in the form of a novel, this does not diminish the hidden truths exposed, expressed and discussed between the main protagonists of the novel. Some of these will be the subject of disbelief, arguments and disagreement by many, but they will resonate with many others. The book is intended to challenge the conventional outlook and fixed theories about the temples, and to raise awareness of other concepts and views about the temples. This may be the first book which actually looks at the sacred structures from a wholistic perspective. I am currently in the process of publishing three more books which will expand further on these mysterious structures, and a fourth book where I explore the experiences of individuals and groups vis-à-vis the temples.
I started painting late in my life as a way of self-expression. I’m basically a self-taught artist, but later I worked on - and received - the Certificate in Art at the University of Brighton. I draw my inspiration from my Maltese background, my experiences in South America and from everyday observations.
See what resonates within you, but do not dismiss a new idea ‘off hand.’
So ... ‘Keep an open heart, a clear mind and listen to your inner wisdom.’
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